Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We´re Here!

Mike and I arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires this morning, as did our checked backpacks (sigh of relief). We´re all settled in at our hostel, which is delightfully eclectic, and we´ve even eaten at our first parrilla. Buenos Aires is famous for them - steak houses with more cuts of steak than the 4H could dream of, perfectly prepared by cocineros who cook nothing but beef all day long. In fact, at the parrilla we went to, if you order something that´s not beef, it comes from a separate kitchen. The beef grill gets its own special area all to itself. It was absolutely delicious!

Tonight we´re off to an evening of tango! We´ve got an hour long tango lesson scheduled, then dinner and a professional tango show. Yes, that´s right, at the beginning of that sentence you read correctly. I will be attempting the tango. Those of you who know me well know that dancing has never been my forte, and my clumsiness can be dangerous to myself and others. Let´s hope I don´t break any bones. I don´t doubt that it will be extraordinarily ridiculous.

Off we go! ¡Hasta pronto!

Friday, August 27, 2010



Here's where I'll try to keep you all updated on the big Argentinian journey!

We began in Michigan, where Mike and I went up to the beautiful town of Leland for Anne's wedding. We met Anne's cousing Stafford, who lives in Buenos Aires, and we already have dinner plans for our first Friday in Argentina!

Then we spent a few days in Grand Rapids hanging out with my family (and also packing everything I own into a 5x10 storage unit). We're now in Massachusetts visiting Mike's family for a bit, and we fly away in just four days.

Hope you're all doing well! Happy Friday!